What are 'Soft Skills' or 'Transferable Skills'?

A lack of work experience doesn't mean you can't land a job. Everyone has their own strengths that draw from all their individual experiences - in the recruitment world, we call these 'soft skills' or 'transferable skills'.

So how do you figure out what yours are?

1. Ask three people what makes you special. It can be anyone who knows you well - your parents, your mates, your cousins, or even your flatties. Write down what they say about you on one side of a Venn diagram, like the one pictured.

2. Write down a few of your hobbies or interests on the opposite side - they can be things you do on weekends, things you want to try, or anything that make you excited.

3. Your transferable skills are the things that fall in the middle. Look at either side of the diagram and ask yourself - how does this trait translate into this interest? What traits of mine help me succeed at this hobby?

The people around you are your best resource. So, next time you're preparing for a job interview, try asking them to tell you about yourself.

You never know what strengths they might see in you that you hadn't noticed yourself!


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